Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Some of Marije's Pics
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Our Latest House Guest
The opening of a window!
PS. Sorry there will be no pictures in relation to the assessment center as that is not allowed.
Thank you to everyone who was praying for me this week. I was sick for a couple days but now I am feeling much better! Thanks!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Siem Reap Trip Highlights
2.) We spent Tuesday visiting the Temples. Some were really neat. One is just covered in massive tree roots.
3.) For lunch we ate in a Khmer traditional home.
4.) In the evening we took them to a buffet which featured Aspara dancing (which is the cultural dance).
5.) On Wednesday morning we toured a silk factory and saw how they make silk from the worm to the beautiful scarves. It gives a new definition to hard work and low pay.
6.) In the afternoon we went to the Cambodian Cultural Village which featured a series of dances about Khmer history and culture.
7.) For lunch on Thursday we ate at KFC...notice that rice is a part of the KFC meal here.
On a different note, this trip was an awesome experience for me. I learned to have a shower with a bucket and dipper, go to the washroom on the floor in an outhouse and then rinse it out of the house (there was no hole), and practice Khmer with the kids and help them with their English.
In the mornings we took turns leading devotions and some of the kids shared that they are not sure what they believe right now. So please pray for them as they go through this phase. Now we are all home safe and sound and it is time for life to go on as normal. I will post more pictures on facebook when I have access to a better internet connection.
Thanks for your prayers!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tigers, Elephants, King Cobra’s and Scorpions
As for scorpions...
...they are just common play things.
This weekend I went to Kompong Som, which is located on the Gulf of Kompong Som and the Gulf of Thailand, to visit an AG orphanage. The kids were so awesome! I had a blast.
We brought a bunch of the kids back to Phnom Penh for a day and then tomorrow we are taking them to Siem Reap for the rest of the week.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Simple Things In Life
- Wisdom about some schedule decisions that I need to make
- Wisdom in teaching/leading the English class/Bible Study
Sunday, August 10, 2008
God is Faithful!
(A not so good picture of the Khmer church where I do the English Bible Class.)
Love you guys!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It's not what you do, but how you do it!
The message that seems to keep hitting home is that it is not about what I am doing work wise. Rather, am I being obedient? Am I doing what God has given me to do to the best of my ability? It is rather a hard switch mentally to focus on the journey rather than the destination.
Please pray for boldness and that I would improve upon my language skills (as language is really important for getting to know people).
PS. I just want to say thank you to the small group that gave me all the stuff to bring over. Since plans have changed, I have used some of it at the orphanage... I hope you don’t mind. It had been such a blessing. The kids used the funky construction paper and some of the drawing paper to make books about themselves. They also love the jumbo skipping rope. (I have to confess, they keep sending everything back home with me and so I also use one of the skipping ropes to exercise at home). As well, my two year old loves the balls. Almost every day, when he gets bored of sitting and listening to the lesson he will tug on my leg and ask for a ball (his favourite is the pink stripped one). The markers and pencil crayons have also been put to good use. It has been nice to have the resources to make my lessons fun.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Contact Information
Attention: Marije B. Leusink
PO Box: U23
#19B St. 1U5, Sanghat Phsar Doem Thhov, Kham Chamhar Mon
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
(Note: it goes under my roommates name but with a B. as the middle intial standing for Beca so that she knows its for me.)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Random Thoughts and Notes
I have decided that I prefer to ride side saddle on motos as it is a preventative method against getting another Asian tattoo (aka moto burn) and it is easier to jump off at the gas station or in the event you think you are going to be in an accident.
Today I had to help my moto driver walk the moto into the gas station as we ran out of gas.