Two times a week I volunteer at a school in a Vietnamese community/slum. As most of the people who live in this area are squatters, they do not have a lot of the things we take for granted... such as garbage pickup and fresh water. Most families use the river for
drinking, bathing, and as a toilet. Last week we were able to offer the kids families water filters for $5 (half price) which many families decided to purchase. It costs $3 for families to enrol a child in the school and right now we are offering kindergarten, grade 1 and 2. My role in the mornings is to teach the kids to brush their teeth and take care of their fingernails. In the afternoons, I assist with teaching
kindergarten. This is a picture of the kindergarten. Notice the many kids who stand outside the gate each day to listen in.

This is a picture of the view from the school. The homes that you see are homes of our students. To get to them they have to walk across the narrow pieces of wood that are beside the fence. This field is also used to collect the neighbour garbage.
Right now the field is filled with big old tires to try to slow down the flood. We are anticipating that soon the water will flow up onto the path and into the school.