Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Power of Prayer

This morning in class we watched a Transformations video on how 4 different communities around the globe have been transformed because of prayer. In each of the communities, as the people gathered to pray (including different denominations coming together to pray) things started to change for the good in their cities. I have noticed that we, Western Christians, have missed the message somewhere as not many people pray like they used to.  Rarely do people come out to prayer meeting or have their own weekly prayer meetings at home. On Sunday night, I went to visit a church and the guest speaker spoke about how his Muslim friends make the time to pray 5 times a day. I can say, that as a Christian I don't take the time to spend in prayer 5 times a day, yet we are called to pray without ceasing. How can we expect God to change us and use us when we are not willing to make the time for Him in our day. I think its time I learn to get on my knees and spend some quality time in prayer. Will you join me?

Date with a Sweet Old Man

A while ago a bunch of us were at Tim Hortons for a study break and we met this nice old guy. He was sitting by himself so we invited him to join us. We ended up having a great evening chatting with him. At the end of the night we decided to get his phone number so that we could take him out for coffee...

So that's what we did tonight. We met up with him again and spent an hour and a half talking about God, church,  family, the provinces, and so on. Selfishly, I rather enjoy our conversations. I think that there is so much that we can learn from people who have already lived through most of their life and experienced so much. The seniors who God has placed in my life have been like hidden gems to me, you may think nothing of them at first but then as you get to know them you realize how much you value their friendship. My grandmother, for instance, has been one of my biggest supporters and encourager's. I have gotten to know her, all because I called her once. My old neighbour became a special friend all because we shoveled his driveway once and took the time to say hi. I wouldn't trade my conversations with them for anything. I hope that one day when I am old, someone makes the time for me.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Raw and Real

This afternoon I was sitting in the library with a friend. We were both working on papers that we have to write and she was referencing from her Bible.  A passage really struck her so we started talking about it.  An hour later we were still talking about it, God, our failures and God’s grace. It was raw and real. This is what it is all about: spontaneously being vulnerable with each other, encouraging one another and praying for each other. Too often, we can get so focused on the task at hand and the busyness of life to actually make time for God and those around us. In the grand scheme of things, school/ work is only important in the here and now, but one's life has eternal importance. We need to make time for people. We need to make time for God.