Monday, July 19, 2010

Struggles and Blessings

Today was a bad grocery shopping day. It was bad because because I was tempted like crazy. They say never to go grocery shopping while hungry; well, the same can be said about going grocery shopping while experiencing cravings for food you can't eat. Today I had a mighty craving to enjoy either a delicious chocolate chip cookie or a mouthwatering brownie. Somehow the gluten free and every other kind of allergy friendly options just did not look satisfactory.

Well, I decided that I would treat myself to a special dinner instead so, obviously, I headed to the Asian foods aisle. I had to forgo the butter chicken idea, but I decided to go for Pad Thai. Then I had this crazy idea of modifying my favourite green salad (which is actually made out of pistachio pudding) into an ice cream...minus the dairy part. Dinner and dessert was scrumptious. I don't know which part I like better.

Anyways, the point of writing all this is to say, isn't God good. It is like God knew I was struggling and gave me something good to eat that won't make me sick. I may have enjoyed my dinner and dessert more than I would have enjoyed the cookie or brownie. Isn't God good!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


This coming week is youth camp at Braeside so I am taking kids from the Door to the service on Tuesday night. It may only be one person who comes, it could be four...but please pray for us that night. Please pray for our safety and also for awesome conversations on the way there and back and that God would touch their lives. I really want to see these kids making good choices -- including choosing to live for God.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


This week I began a new job -- working at a youth drop-in center here in Collingwood. I am super excited about it as the job entails building relationships with the youth here and just loving them and walking with them on their journey in life. Please pray for me as I begin this job that I would be able to just be real with them and that my life would reflect Christ. As well, please remember them in prayer, that those who have already chosen to believe will grow in their faith, and that those who are are not, would see that there is a God who loves them and  that they would choose to follow Him.

Thanks for your prayers :)