It was really relaxing to get out of the city for a bit and enjoy Cambodia.
For pictures, you can check out my picasa site at http://picasaweb.google.com/Beca.Osmond/Sihanoukville#
For pictures, you can check out my picasa site at http://picasaweb.google.com/Beca.Osmond/Sihanoukville#
(Bev preparing the turkey.)
(Myself, Bev & Gary)
(Their Christmas tree.)
(My Christmas present from Gary & Bev was a recipe book called "From spiders to water lilies." I am excited to try some of the recipes ;)
May God bless you richly!
(Some of the kids dancing.)
The message was good too. I even understood a lot of it. After the service we had a "potluck" -- which means a big pot of curry for everyone...plus Canadian food as the Canadians each had to bring a dish. LOL. It was fun.
It is heart breaking to see what we as human beings are capable of doing. Many of the guards who worked at Tuol Sleng are now working freely in Cambodia. I pray that they will find God's mercy. I also pray that Cambodians will be able to forgive and find healing from a cruel past.
If you haven't read "Tears of My Soul" by Sokreaksa Himm, I highly recommend doing so. It is about his experience of living through the Khmer Rouge and how he learned to forgive those who brutally killed his family.
(Our fruit lady at the market near our house.)