Friday, October 31, 2008

Silk Island Photos

So it is taking way to long to download all these pictures, so I am only going to put up a few. For the rest, please refer to Marije's Picasa at:

Foto’s weer in Picasa. (duurt wel ff voordat ze erop staan..) Kun je bekijken via de volgende link:
I felt like including the dutch just for fun :p

This is a boy by the riverside. Marije took this picture while I was taking in Khmai to a lady trying to find out how much it would cost to take a boat instead of a moto to the island. On his head are "noem jeik" which are banana cakes wrapped in a banana leaf.
Here is an arm of bananas in a banana palm tree. Here you usually buy bananas by the hand and they don't like to sell you a single banana or even half a hand.

Sorry these two pictures are the only ones that will upload for me -- so check out Marije's pictures. The picture of the cattle guy walking towards the camera smiling is the one who's cow rammed into me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss bananas.

They go beyond ripe in two days at my dad's apartment for some reason (I'm convinced they're allergic to the cat, like me). ANYWAY, because of that, we can't buy more than a couple bananas at a time, and we go grocery shopping every couple of weeks...

so I miss bananas.