Monday, October 13, 2008


So this past week I started teaching at the Bible College (Cambodia Bible Institute). I was really nervous on my first day... but praise God I only have 8 students! 8 students is manageable as I have lead many seminars in university. I never thought I would say this but praise God for those horrid seminars. It is large groups that petrify me. Out of my 8 students, only 3 are girls and the rest are guys. I am the second youngest in the class -- did I mention that I am the teacher?!

So I took the first day to get to know my students and try to figure out how much English they know and what they need to work on. At the end of the class I gave them the opportunity to ask me questions. Well... I was not fully expecting their line of thinking. So the questions I got were: are you married? Are you single? LOL. Anyways, when I went in again on Thursday, one of the assignments was that the students had to think of 5 yes or no questions and then pick one and ask it to their neighbour. Some of the questions and answers were: "Is Rebecca single?" "Yes, she is." followed by, "Are you single?" "Yes, I am." So the joke about Bible college being bridal college seems to transcend international borders.

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