Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Plans

Things are starting to come together and the time is flying away from me. My thesis should be finished before the end of the week and then I will be moving back into my parents home for short time before I take off. God has still been teaching me to trust Him. During this period of transition I have been comforted by the fact that God is in control and He has promised to never let me go. Today I went to Queensway and was blown away by the people who have committed to praying for me. I have been so blessed!

As for the plans for Cambodia, I finally have something to share. I will be going to Cambodia under PAOC. My role there will be to assist Bev Laing with assessment for child care plus (a child sponsorship program). I will also be helping with another missionary working with families at risk of selling there children into slavery. As well, there is a possibility that I will get to work with young girls who have been rescued out of the brothels. It is exciting to watch the pieces of the puzzle unfold. I just need to be obedient and do whatever God gives me to do.

Thanks for your prayers!

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