Unlike me, I have only taken a few pictures so far, so here are three random pictures that I have taken.
A) This is a picture of KFC in Cambodia with a tuk tuk and many motos parked in front of it.

B) This a picture taken of the "vehicles" in front of us at a red light. Notice that one is a cart being pushed by a man walking, motos, a vendor cart and cars all crowded in the street. The lines on the road mean nothing. Actually, it is not uncommon to see people driving on the wrong side of the road coming right at you.

c) A picture of an elephant in the middle of the park as a tourist attraction. The blanket on it looks exactly like a wall hanging that my grandma used to have.
Congrats on arriving.
Cambodia is a bit more developed than I had imagined.
Take care.
Oh, and btw, just so you're up to date on Mustang news (because we all know that's important :-)), we finally won one on Monday night. You're dad wanted to get in a fight with another player :-)
little do you know that IS the blanket your grandma used to have... and they're mass produced in Cambodia as elephant matts... :p kidding. hhaaha!
You had me at "tuk tuk"
Praying for you!
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