Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tigers, Elephants, King Cobra’s and Scorpions

So most of those animals I did not see, but, we drove through a palm oil plantation which has a problem with wild tigers and wild elephants, and drove past an area where Ken (an AG missionary from the States... see picture below) said he saw a king cobra once. It was cool to know they were around.

As for scorpions...

...they are just common play things.

This weekend I went to Kompong Som, which is located on the Gulf of Kompong Som and the Gulf of Thailand, to visit an AG orphanage. The kids were so awesome! I had a blast.

We brought a bunch of the kids back to Phnom Penh for a day and then tomorrow we are taking them to Siem Reap for the rest of the week.


Automaton said...

The map lists 'Sealed Road'. What's that about?

And "As for scorpions…"

Very comical, Beca!


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Alex. You know Beca scorpions can kill you. Maybe better stay away for now. PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bobbi, you sound like your mother :-)

Haha, seriously though, that one kid might not want to put the scorpion there if he wants to have kids :-)

Bec, put something else on the list to bring home: scorpions