Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Lately I have been struggling with loneliness. It seems to happen to the best of us. I don't think I have met a single person who can say that they've never felt lonely before. It happens in small waves but the last couple days it has come in a huge wave. My roommate has gone to Preh Veng (the province where she is doing her research) for a couple days and so it is just me, myself, and God. But even when she is around, we don't have the kind of relationship where I could just say "I need a hug" etc. I miss that. Simple things like hugs are easy to take forgranted. Tonight is one of those nights where I could use a hug.

Christine, you are so right in saying that often we go to others before we go to God when we are lonely. I am guilty of that. Last night I called mom and dad on skype and today I went to the cafe to facebook and send off a bunch of emails. I am so grateful for all of you! Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who wrote me encouragement cards to read on days like this (I haven't opened them all yet. I try to keep them so that I have a new one to open each time I have a hard day or just need some encouragement). Anyways, my point was this, we don't need to have it all together. Its okay to have a bad day! I am grateful for such wonderful friends at home! I wish I had friends like you guys here... but I guess that will come with time. But, I have God and He hears me when I call and He has blessed me beyond belief. (He also has a sense of humour!) Today I ran out of gas which is needed to operate my stove... so I had to go out for dinner by myself, which I normally don't mind doing. Anyways, one of the employees wanted to practice his English and so he sat down and talked with me while I ate. It was nice having some company (even though it was kind of awkward). It also made for an entertaining dinner as he kept calling his brother his son and he called my zit a beauty mark. LOL. (I wish zits were mistaken for beauty marks more often.)

I love you guys! Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement! You mean the world to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He called your zit a beauty mark? Oh my goodness! That's amazing! Who does that? Hahahaha. I'm so blessed by your sharing of your life, Beca. Thanks so much for being open and honest with the world, for God's glory!