Sunday, November 9, 2008

Street Ministry Cancelled... Why?!

2 weeks ago I went to help out a couple of my friends with street ministry. They do a 30 min presentation with puppets and songs for families that live on the streets who usually sell their children at night. I was going to join again tonight but it was cancelled. Why? This week is the water festival where people from all the provinces pack into Phnom Penh for boat races. So, the street people can't be around right?! Instead, they are arrested for the week. Injustice!


Anonymous said...

That's so sad! I wonder if the street people appreciate being inside for the week (if they have nice enough jails...) or if they'd prefer to be out for the festival... :\

Automaton said...

This topic came up in conversation a couple days ago. So I was able to retell your experience. A couple comments came up, and mind the ignorance, but;

Shocking. And what brings a country to try & save face that way?

Are the homeless in a better situation with shelter & food provided? A lot of assumptions in the last thought.