Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesdays and Thursdays

I just thought I would highlight what I do on my favourite days of the week. Every Tuesday and Thursday I teach at the orphanage and at the Bible College. I get to eat lunch at the Bible College (soup and rice) and I have language class in the afternoon.

Today, I was teaching the kids at the orphanage about buying things at the market. As it would be too difficult to take them all to the market -- and too expensive -- I decided to bring the market to them. I went shopping yesterday and bought various things (which I got a discount for because I was able to say in Khmai that they were for Cambodian orphans). Praise the Lord! So today I brought fake money and all the things and set up shop at the orphanage. Each child had to dialogue with me to make their purchase at the store. It was so fun and they loved it because they got to play with fake money and get to keep something! Here's a picture of our chezzy shop and a picture of the kids with their new items.
Every time I go to leave the orphanage, several of the children smother me with hugs and then stand in the street waving goodbye and blowing me kisses. It is my favourite part of the day.
This month I teach at the orphanage first thing in the morning and then I go straight to the Bible College to teach. This is what happened to some of the stuff that didn't get "sold" :)
Don't worry, my students study too.
Another praise report: this afternoon's language class went well and afterwards I chatted with my landlady for 20 min in Khmai. It is amazing how much I can understand! I just have a lot of difficulty with asking questions in Khmai and speaking Khmai to a group of people.

I just want to say thanks you again to the small group that sent all that stuff with me. Some of the stuff that I still had I used today for my little store. Thank you for bringing a smile to many children's faces.


Anonymous said...

beca! This is so exciting! you're learning khmai! I hadn't even heard of khmai until today! This is so exciting! I love you and I'm praying for you! God bless!

Danay said...

Beca, that's an amazing thing you did for them! Great work! I'm not surprised they shower you with love, they probably appreciate you beyond belief! You're definitely making a difference! I'm proud of you! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Beca you truly are an inspiration. Matthew and Kaelyn loved your little store. What a creative idea. We miss you lots.