Monday, November 24, 2008

Variety of Thoughts

- The director of my orphanage posted a video of the kids. If you want to watch it you can find it at and search for "Hope orphanage". It should say "A great video of a great orphanage in Cambodia...please watch and get involved".

- We think that one of the older students at the Vietnamese school is being sold in the evenings! Sick eh!

- A couple days ago I drove past a tuktuk which had two old white guys in it. Sitting beside each of them was a younger Cambodian girl. One of the girls was affectionately rubbing the arm of the man next to her. Unfortunately they looked too old to do anything about it but still young enough to make you sick to your stomach.

- On different note, the street people are back and street ministry was fun. I played with a couple of the kids before it started and they were soo cute. It's heartbreaking knowing that at the end of the day the kids stay there and sleep there amongst the garbage, urine stench, and adults sniffing glue. The girls were missing, except one. I can only imagine where they were and what they were doing. We are planning on starting to teach Khmai and English to another group of street people who live close to my house. Unfortunately the government made them move and so now we have to find them before we can begin.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you and the kids you're working with, beca! God is here! He is with us! and he is with them!

Jon Juane said...

hey beca,

its so inspiring to read about you living out the calling and passion God placed in your heart! thanks for sharing and challenging us to hear what He is calling us to do!