Monday, December 15, 2008

It's begining to feel like Christmas!

It's starting to feel a little like Christmas here. Some stores have even put up tinsel Christmas trees on their doors. Yesterday I attended a Christmas service at the international church that I occasionally attend. It was really nice to sing Christmas carols together. Then at the end of the service, a few people from the church put together an African choir and they sang some Swaheely Christmas songs. It was really cool.

In the evening I went to my Khmai church's special Christmas event. We had a three hour service which included Khmai Christmas songs, a play put on by the youth, some dancing by the children, and of course a good message. (This is a picture of the MC's for the evening wearing traditional Khmai formal clothing.)
(The worship team. We took over the chapel at the Bible College for the service.)
(The play. The costumes were rather hilarious...notice the apron.)

(Some of the kids dancing.)

The message was good too. I even understood a lot of it. After the service we had a "potluck" -- which means a big pot of curry for Canadian food as the Canadians each had to bring a dish. LOL. It was fun.


Jon Juane said...

congrats on getting extended for another 6 months!!

keep shining bright beca! home misses you!!

Jon Juane said...