Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Power of Prayer

This morning in class we watched a Transformations video on how 4 different communities around the globe have been transformed because of prayer. In each of the communities, as the people gathered to pray (including different denominations coming together to pray) things started to change for the good in their cities. I have noticed that we, Western Christians, have missed the message somewhere as not many people pray like they used to.  Rarely do people come out to prayer meeting or have their own weekly prayer meetings at home. On Sunday night, I went to visit a church and the guest speaker spoke about how his Muslim friends make the time to pray 5 times a day. I can say, that as a Christian I don't take the time to spend in prayer 5 times a day, yet we are called to pray without ceasing. How can we expect God to change us and use us when we are not willing to make the time for Him in our day. I think its time I learn to get on my knees and spend some quality time in prayer. Will you join me?


Unknown said...

I just gave a talk on our lack of prayer and its indication of our self-reliance last night at C4C weekly meeting! We are definitely on the same page Becky :).


tiffanystpierre said...

Hey.. last night at through the roof (TTR - UWO) someone from Make You Think TV mentioned those Transformation videos and how in Columbia the power of prayer changed the nation!

I totally agree... although some people feel that they have to pray 5 times a day because of ritual, I think we should WANT to pray 5+ times a day!

Remember those random speakers that used to say Pray whenever you hear a watch beep at the hour? I may have to get back to that.. Be blessed!