Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I was sitting outside today reading my Bible. I was reading Galatians which is all about the law and faith.  It talks about how we can get so caught up attempting to justify ourselves by trying to live up to God's law instead of allow God to justify us through our faith in Him.

As soon as I finished reading the last chapter, I heard a scratching noise. I went to check it out and I discovered a chipmunk was caught in a trap. He was running back and forth in the cage trying to escape. When I lifted up the trap door to release him he just stood there instead of running to freedom.

I realized that often we are like that chipmunk. We try and try to work hard and do good to please God. Even things that are good, such as spending time reading the Bible, can become a trap to us as they become something we have to do to please God instead of doing it because we want to build a relationship with Him. We become trapped by our legalism. Yet, Jesus came to set us free. He is standing at the trap door holding it open for us to walk out. Yet we get so caught up in our trapped mentality that we don't accept the freedom He offers.

Thank God for the grace and freedom He gives to us!
(As for the chipmunk...he eventually gained the courage to walk out of the trap.)

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