Monday, December 9, 2013

Canary Islands here we come!

Hello everyone,

I am excited to announce that tomorrow my team will be leaving for the Canary Islands for our outreach. Here is a picture of my team.

This time is bitter sweet as, while it is exciting thinking about the outreach, it is also a sad time as it means saying goodbye to some awesome people whom I will see again only briefly in February for our debriefing. Please remember us in prayer, especially me as I have been fighting an ear infection in both ears that does not want to go away.

I am not sure how often I will be able to post anything here while we are gone. We have a team blog but it will be in German (there is a section called English if someone has a chance to translate it there may be something there). Photos from our trip will also be posted there if you are looking for photos under fotogalarie.  The link is:

Thanks for your prayers.

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