Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jesus is King!

Tonight was an incredible night of ministry! I think it was my favorite night so far. A few of us went down to the red light area here in the late afternoon feeling like we needed to go and just pray and worship God. We found the building where the Living Room, a ministry there is. The ministry is on the top floor and the first couple stories are a strip club. We sat in front of the strip club and sang and just worship God in that place, read scripture out loud, and prayed over the area prophetically. It was amazing. When I arrived my heart felt heavy but when we left I felt like God had transformed the environment. It was awesome. I am reminded if the Israelites who marched around Jericho worshipping God and as they were obedient God brought the walls down. Now to continue to pray and watch what God does in that place.

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