Monday, February 17, 2014

Hugs worth a million dollars!

Awhile ago I had an encounter with a lady who lives on the streets in the Veronica's area. I saw her and felt like I should give her my apple so I tried, but she got mad at me and ran away. Another day Johanna also tried to give her something and she threw it back at her. We have has this woman on our hearts since then--so much so that we had a day if prayer and fasting for her. The same day most of our group was praying, Johanna and I felt like we needed to be out in the streets. This day I waved and the lady waved back. It was amazing as she usually runs away from us. So later that day we tried again and said bonjour and waved. Since then I have waved and said bonjour and then yesterday I tried talking with her further but it didn't go so well. Maggie had on her heart the passage in the Bible about not calling unclean what God had made clean when praying for this woman-- and from appearances this woman would not be my first choice to hug, but God has given us a heart for her and told us to hug her. So tonight we went down to the Veronica's to find her. It was AMAZING! We had a conversation with her and we were able to show her through hugs that she is valuable and precious to God and we even got to pray with her. It was a miracle! To see her face light up and see her smile was an amazing goodbye present. I wouldn't exchange that hug for anything. Thank you Jesus for your incredible love!

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