I picked up a copy of the Cambodian Daily (the local English paper) today and noticed that one of the articles was on the sexual abuse of boys here in Cambodia. Seeing as that was an area that I found lacking when I was doing my research, my interest was peeked.
In summary of the article, the Cambodia director for the NOG Action Pour Les Enfant said "here, 60 percent of our victims are boys, so the sexual exploitation of boys is really a big issue" (meaning 60% of those who come through their center.) The article also reported that a study, done by the Social Services of Cambodia organization, found that it is not gay men who are predominantly responsible, rather, a significant amount of boys are abused by both Cambodian and foreign adults including women, and also by other children and adolescents. This is conclusive with my findings, but I found the 60% to be a shockingly high percentage.
What I found particularily interesting was this quote given from a victim: "It was very painful and frightening... I was overwhelmed with confusion... It was very painful in my heart... I asked many questions... Do I have bad karma? Did I do something wrong in my previous life? Why does this happen to me?" This quote is interesting because it sheds some light on the way
Cambodians think. It breaks my heart to think that they could think that they are in some way responsible for the sick actions of others.
Please remember to pray for those who are victims of sexual abuse and exploitation and also pray for their exploiters.