This week we are doing a survey of the entire Bible. So far it is probably my favorite week of the DTS.
This morning we read the book of Haggai and I found it very applicable to us now. Haggai's message was to call the people to rebuild the temple. He gets their attention by pointing out how they work hard but somehow they never have enough. It is like their money bag has holes. How often have we felt this way?! We work hard. Sometimes the money just doesn't cover all we want, like a new pair of shoes, or even what we need.
God tells them that they never have enough because He is blowing it away. Why? They cared more about their own homes and needs then God's. But, when the people changed their ways and were obedient to God and invested in building His temple God encouraged them to be strong and to not fear. He reminded them that He is with them and He blessed them with His glory and His peace.
I just thought this is a cool message for us today. We need to remember to surrender our finances to God rather than chasing after financial security, because ultimately it is Him who provides for our needs.
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